Menopause can be a tough transition for many women. Surprisingly most of them never seek treatment, or even know help is available. By far, the most highly effective (and controversial) treatment is HRT. In this article I reveal why I chose hormone replacement therapy to control my symptoms and fight aging.
Hot Flashes Aren’t Anyone’s Friend. Especially not Mine at 2am.
My hot flashes started 2 years before my last period and got progressively worse as I approached menopause.
At night, I was waking up every hour feeling like I was boiling from the inside. Then I’d have to rush to the bathroom for an urgent pee. Finally, back in bed, I’d lay awake, struggling to fall back asleep. Night after night I was stuck in this routine.
It wasn’t only at night that I had issues. During the day, I was constantly wiping the sweat off my face, arms, and chest. I had to wear multiple layers of clothing that I took off one by one as I would start to heat up. Only to layer them back on when the hot flash turned into a cold flash. It was incredibly embarrassing doing this on Zoom meetings…for the entire company to witness. ?
I was not prepared or willing to go through this for 10+ years of menopause.
To make matters worse…hot flashes weren’t the only symptom ruining my life:
-> I was a cranky bitch most days, unable to find a way to be happy, positive or just less edgy.
-> My hair was receding, thinning and frizzy.
-> My nails turned brittle and paper thin.
-> My skin went from supple and firm to a dry desert. No moisturizers or masks were ever enough.
-> My sex life tanked. Vaginal dryness and atrophy made it miserably painful.
-> My waistline ballooned which made me feel awful in my clothes which in turn made me feel awful about myself.
Long story short, I was absolutely miserable in my body.
No one wanted to be around me. Heck, I didn’t want to be around me! I couldn’t take it anymore.
A History of Causing Breast Cancer?
I learned about HRT in the early 2000s. The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) published a devastating report on the safety and efficacy of hormone therapy. The research determined that hormone therapy increased rates of breast cancer.
It scared me and other women my age from ever thinking about using HRT.
I decided the risks outweigh the benefits and HRT wasn’t an option for me.
Until one afternoon, my mother-in-law casually mentioned that her doctor guessed she had taken HRT when he saw her chart. He said she was visibly aging 10 years behind her peers!! (I can attest, she looks amazing for 91!)
She told me about a friend who had opted to not take HRT and was now in agony from osteoporosis. She was breaking bones getting in and out of bed! She could have protected her bones better by using HRT.
This was the first time I learned that menopause can have real consequences for aging.
You Can’t Always Yoga Your Way to a Healthy Body
For most of my 30s I thought I could avoid menopause symptoms. I just had to eat healthy, exercise and meditate. After all, the process is “natural” and I could survive a few hot flashes from time to time.
I didn’t want to “pollute” my body with medication simply to stop the temporary discomfort of hot flashes. The choice seemed weak and uninformed. I was convinced I could avoid them all together if I just worked on myself!
But I arrived on the doorstep of menopause a sweaty, cranky, overweight and dried out mess. WTF.
I was at my wits end and started the health food store support options like Wild Yam and Black cohosh. I tried some new online options, which took three months to start working. It didn’t work for long and it was back to being miserable.
Desperate for Help, I Went in Search of Answers
When my mother-in-law suggested estrogen therapy for anti-aging, it got my attention. I was still not convinced. I was scared of the possibility of breast cancer.
I researched all the data I could find and talked with women on hormones. The most important thing I learned was that HRT has been around since the 40s! The science and options for delivery have come a long way, baby.
The More I Learned, The More Clearly the Right Answer was In Front of Me
I had a lot of false ideas about HRT and a serious lack of education about menopause. But the conclusion I came to was that HRT was my best option for relief and aging support.
Below are more reasons that I chose HRT for menopause:
- Estrogen does not cause breast cancer. In the book, Estrogen Matters by Dr. Andrew Bluming, he claims “most studies have found that estrogen does not increase the risk of breast cancer.” Several menopause doctors agree with his findings.
Talk to your doctor to determine if HRT is the right treatment option for you. Hormones that are prescribed by your doctor are approved by the Food and Drug Administration, so you know they are safe and effective. - HRT is the closest thing we have to the fountain of youth. HRT totally reversed the outward signs of menopause (thinning hair, dry skin, weight gain). My muscle tone has never been easier to build and I actually like working out now.
I’m feeling confident and optimistic. I have lots of clean and consistent energy. No more mid-day naps or too tired to participate in activities. I look and feel amazing. - The women in my life who are currently in their 80s and took HRT are thriving. Not everything in my pro and con lists were doctor verified. I spent a lot of time talking with the women in my life who took HRT and those who didn’t. Women who took HRT are in better physical and mental condition late in life.
They have less bone loss, cognitive issues and diseases than their peers who didn’t take HRT. I’ve spoken with several women over 80 who say HRT played an important role in their long term health. My mother-in-law is 90 and she still drives, travels and lives on her own. She has been the image of health since I met her. If I can have half her spunk and good health at 90, sign me up! - Reduces risk of brain related diseases like dementia. In the book “The Menopause Brain” Lisa Mosconi, PhD, reveals that menopause has a dramatic impact on the brain. More than any other organ in the body. Many menopause symptoms actually take place in the brain. Not in the reproductive organs as most of us have assumed.
Memory loss, hot flashes, mood swings, anxiety, itchy ears, are all brain related symptoms. Protecting the gray matter should be paramount for any woman considering HRT as an option. Estrogen is vital to protecting brain health. - I feel empowered. I’ve invested a lot of time and money into myself over the years. I’ve worked hard to become the woman I am today. Menopause made me feel like it was all slipping away.
- Relief, sleep, and the return of my sexlife. It feels like I am at the top of my game since starting HRT. My body is in full alignment with me having a long and fulfilling healthy life. I am so grateful for the impact of HRT on my life (and my marriage). I had to share it with other women.
?That is why I decided to become a Menopause Coach. Because all the women in my generation need to KNOW they have options and how to get them.
Know This: You’re Not Alone and There Are Options For You
Do your research and talk to your doctor before you make any decisions on the best treatment for you. The benefits of hormone therapy far outweigh the risks. When the menstrual cycle ends the use of HRT to treat menopausal symptoms is unrivaled by anything else you can use.
If you decide you aren’t ready to start hormone therapy that’s ok too. If it isn’t right for you there are other options, both medical and non-traditional, that can help you find relief. Consult a trusted physician or menopause medical specialist before you begin a course of treatment. Only you and your doctor know what is right for you.
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