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The Empowered Pause

How to Turn Menopause Suffering into Personal Strength & Freedom


(and elder Millennials)

Menopause can feel like a rollercoaster of mental, emotional and physical chaos. Up and down, every day, with hot flashes, moods swings and fatigue, with no relief and no end in sightit sucks.

If this resonates with you, know that you are not alone. Millions of us will face the menopause transition this year. I’ve been there too and felt helpless and hopeless, completely overrun by my menopause symptoms.

But here’s the thing – it doesn’t have to be that way! In fact, it can be the most empowering time of your life  and I’m here to help you understand how to harness the incredible power that is available to you in this transformative journey. 

Let’s Talk Stats

(Because Knowledge is Power!)

  • 90% of menopausal women were never taught about menopause

  • 85% of women have menopause related symptoms

  • 14% of women leave the workforce due to menopause related issues

    Millions of us know nothing about what menopause does to our bodies. We don’t know the devastating effects of declining estrogen or that relief is possible. Instead we suffer, in silence

only 1 in 4 women seeking help with menopause actually find it

The right Help is hard to find

Why “The Empowered Pause”?

It’s time has come

Menopause hit me like a freight train with miserable symptoms that completely derailed my life.  

When I finally found the help I needed, the transformation was…incredible. Not only did my symptoms go away but I was more fit, emotionally stable and joyful than I had been in decades. 

When I found out that 73% of Women Don’t Treat Their Menopause Symptoms, I realized it was time for a new approach to this transition. 

Embrace Your Menopause Power

Your Personal Renaissance

I get it – the hot flashes, stubborn weight gain, thinning hair…it’s all awful.  But…what if I told you there are ways to turn it all around?

It’s possible for menopause to be a time of rejuvenation, vitality and strength. This is the Empowered Pause. A new way to experience the inevitable changes.

Menopause is no longer a time to dread, but an opportunity to embrace your personal power and thrive like never before. 

I’m Here to Help You Thrive

Giving you to support you need

It’s not just about feeling better; it’s about feeling better than ever.

It took me three years, four doctors and thousands of hours reading books and researching the topic of menopause to learn that real answers and the right help are hard to find

You don’t need to struggle or spend three years figuring out how to get your symptoms under control and your confidence back. The Empowered Pause can show you the way. 

A Personal Journey, A Shared Mission

we are better together

We are lacking the knowledge and guidance to find the help we need

The truth is we don’t know enough about menopause and it’s impact on our bodies and it’s time for that to change, for all of us. 

By embracing your transition you not only light the way to your best life, you make it easier for the women around you to do so as well. 

COMING SOON: Watch “The Empowered Pause Masterclass”

Your best life awaits, and I’m here to help you seize it

Turn Suffering Into Strength

The empowered pause

The Empowered Pause isn’t

“aging gracefully”

It’s becoming the happiest and healthiest YOU possible
Welcome to Your Personal Renaissance.

A Personal Renaissance during menopause represents an opportunity to create an empowered life, free of hormonal fluctuations and disruptive symptoms. Embracing the transition as a renaissance enables a healthier, more powerful and confident self on the other side

A new way to embrace menopause


The Empowered Pause

Despite what we’ve been told by our mothers, aunts and even the movies, you DO NOT NEED TO SUFFER during menopause. Your hot flashes are terrible, you aren’t overreacting to your intense anxiety, and your fatigue is real. You don’t have to “deal with it” because the women who went before you did. The thinning hair, sore joints and fluffy mid section are not things you have to “just accept” about getting old.

Becoming an old crone is not our destiny. We’ve invested too much time, money and energy into becoming who we are today to lose it all to a foggy memory and aching body.

Menopause can actually be a time when you experience greater freedom, sense of self and pure power in your life than ever before. This is not an exaggeration.

Did you know the average woman has over 400 periods in her lifetime? For decades you’ve been managing the ups and downs of hormone fluctuations. The cramps, bloating, acne and the PMS we all know too well…every single month.  It hasn’t been easy, but we’ve made it. And now, here we are, ready to live a life free of that roller coaster and instead we are hit with hot flashes, depression, weight gain and anxiety, all the time.

Now…I want you to imagine a life with absolutely no hormonal fluctuations. Your emotions stable, your body strong, your confidence high and your sex life explosive! THAT, my friends, is The Empowered Pause. All the benefits of your wisdom, experience and knowledge AND a healthy, vibrant body that feels good!  I had no idea when I started my menopause journey that this was even a possibility. That midlife could mean my best life. But it’s true! And it can be that way for you too.

The Empowered Pause views the transition as an opportunity to give yourself exactly what you need to thrive. Your body is sending you very clear messages about what it needs, in multiple areas of your life. How and what you eat, exercise and sleep are all part of the problem and the solution. By looking at a few key areas of your life you’ll learn how to make small changes to your habits and routines, and add medical treatments and supplements to support your physical and mental health so you can  finally feel fabulous!

The Empowered Pause

Menopause for Generation X

I’m here to be honest with you about what happens to your body and mind during menopause and give you options and support in your transformation…

Into Your Own Personal Renaissance

You’ll learn how to…

  • Strop struggling with hot flashes, weight gain and sleepless nights

  • Choose the best treatment options that fit your life and lifestyle

  • Find the right medical care to keep your body healthy

  • Eat right and exercise more efficiently

  • Feel like yourself again! 

Menopause can be the Most Empowered Time in a Woman’s Life

A strong body, an upbeat Attitude and great sex are within reach.

3 out of 4 women who seek help with their menopause symptoms never receive it.

Help is Hard to Find, But I’m Here for You

Navigating menopause often feels like an uphill battle. Our complaints are dismissed, we’re labeled as overly emotional, and our symptoms are frequently misunderstood. 

Trying to determine our best course of treatment can be like a maze of confusion. Who do you trust and where do you find the right doctor to help? What if the treatment isn’t right for me? 

I get it. I’ve been there. It took me three years and thousands of dollars to finally get the help I needed. Finding support isn’t as easy as flipping through the yellow pages – and I wouldn’t want you to go it alone. I created the Empowered Pause Masterclass so you can start to get some answer today

Your Personal Renaissance Awaits

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Menopause is presenting you with an opportunity to change your life and experience a Personal Renaissance.

Picture a version of yourself free from societal expectations, with strong boundaries, and a deep sense of self-worth. Menopause can be the doorway to this unapologetic you.

I want to help you discover the solutions within menopause that pave the way for your personal renaissance – a time when you find the woman you’ve always wanted to be, with a body and mind that fully support your dreams.

Unleashing the Power Within You

What if you could step into a version of yourself that’s stronger, healthier, and more confident?

Our generation has the chance to redefine menopause – to see it not as an end but as an opportunity to be at our absolute best, overflowing with life and energy to create.

It’s a revelation to learn that menopause holds the key to unlocking the greatest sources of personal power in your life. That you can look and feel your best without expensive plastic surgery or untested treatments. Simple changes in your habits and the right treatments can ignite your inner power! 

Join The Empowered Pause and discover the joys of a Personal Renaissance.

The Empowered Pause



I had sooo many symptoms that I thought were just old age. Kyra was really helpful in educating me about what was really going on with me and guiding me to find the right doctor. I can’t believe how much better I feel! 


I’m thankful that I found Kyra before I lost too much time to menopause. I finally feel like myself again, only better! The Empowered Pause is a refreshing way to view this process because it made me feel empowered instead of defeated. I highly recommend Kyra and what she has done with the Empowered Pause. 


When I tell you that I was drowning in my own sweat, it is no joke! I had just become accustomed to dealing with the nightmare when Kyra gave me options I didn’t even know existed.  And just in time too. I feel like a million bucks and 20 years younger! Thank you Empowered Pause! 

    A year before my last period was the beginning of a cascade of hellacious menopause symptoms.  Hot flashes, insomnia, weight gain and mood swings. I had no solutions and everywhere I turned I got the same answer. From my doctor to my mother and friends in menopause, I was told to “just deal with it.” But I couldn’t live with constant temperature fluctuations, weakness in my muscles and the feelings of despair I couldn’t pull out of, no matter what I tried.

    It took several years, countless hours of research and three doctors to finally control my symptoms. What I discovered was a wealth of information about menopause that most women don’t know. The results have been nothing short of miraculous. Not only am I stronger, more confident and happier, I look and feel better in my body than I have in my entire life. All of this is available to you too! The Empowered Pause will show you how.

    What are you waiting for?

    It’s time to embrace the Empowered Pause

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