Menopause Coaching

A menopause coach is your guide through your midlife transition.
Think of a coach as a midlife educator and cheerleader. Making sure you are taking the right steps, getting the right help and staying on the path to the life you’ve always wanted!
It’s our job to make sure you are getting the treatment support you need and making the lifestyle changes to end your menopause suffering.
This type of coaching is brand new and was brought about by the demands of Gen X. Because we don’t want to…
-> endure the suffering of our symptoms
-> feel exhausted and weak all the time
-> give up on our appearance
-> get so old…so fast
And we don’t have to! But…most of us don’t know where to begin. We don’t know how to find help or what changes we need to make to feel better.

Most of us know nothing about menopause.

A Coach is Where You Go for Help to Get Back to YOU?
We weren’t taught how to navigate through menopause. So we assume we have to “just deal with it”…the way our mothers did. (this is NOT true!)
Menopause impacts us in so many ways that it can be really overwhelming to address. You’re overloaded with daily responsibilities, your job and now your menopause!
This is where and why you need a menopause coach.
You deserve to feel good! You deserve to feel like yourself again. And you deserve the help to figure out how to make this time in your life the BEST EVER!
Menopause can be freedom, strength, vitality and power. Greater than you have ever known in your entire life.
We’re here to help you get back to YOU!
Even though you may not believe that you can feel better or that you can feel better than ever…I’m here to show you the way.
Get OFF the Hormone Rollercoaster and into living a life you LOVE!
How a Menopause Coach Can Help You
Find a Doctor you LOVE who Gives You What You NEED
Slow the Visible Signs of Aging with New Skin & Hair Care Routines
Lose Weight & Get Strong with New Eating Plans and Exercise Routines that are Menopause Friendly
Reignite Your Sex Life (even when it feels like all hope is lost)
Get a Good Night’s Sleep and Manage Stress Better
Create your Best Life in Midlife!
The Empowered Pause Coaching Packages are Customized and Based on Your Needs & Goals in Your Menopause Transition
$500 to $3,000